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Business Applications

Implement Gen-AI without compromising safety, privacy and security.

Icon of a hand with a warning symbol, representing AI safety in business applications Block adversarial prompting
Manage and mitigate Gen-AI output risks
Reduce risks icon Reduce Gen-AI risks with red teaming and threat intelligence

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Block adversarial prompting

Prevent unwanted model interactions and prompting from compromising your organization’s data integrity.

Examples of flagged inappropriate requests asking for personal information, highlighted with red warning icons.

Manage and mitigate Gen-AI output risks

Identify and filter risky AI- generated outputs.

Two text notifications from AI. The first notification is in a green border and reads, 'This post office branch opening hours are from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday.' The second notification is in a red border and reads, 'Our Washington based post office branches' IP addresses are,,' The first notification has a green check mark, while the second has a red cross mark.

Reduce Gen-AI risks with red teaming and threat intelligence

Proactively test your applications with systematic Red Team testing that mimics real world risks.

Implement safer AI models with a unique approach to GenAI red teaming.

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The GenAI Surge in NCII Production

Since the debut of GenAI, interest in celebrity fakes has risen 87%. Learn where this content originates, and how to keep deepfakes off your app.

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ActiveFence LLM Safety Review Report Cover featuring a stylized brain on a blue background.

The LLM Safety Review

To ensure GenAI app safety, start with LLM safety. This report analyzes the safety of six leading LLMs, and provides ways to ensure LLM and AI app safety.

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Collage of ten images illustrating different aspects of children and generative AI. The images include artwork and photographs of children in various settings and imaginative scenarios.

How Predators Abuse Generative AI

Child predators are finding new ways to use GenAI to harm kids. To get ahead of them, understanding their tactics is key.

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